
Surprisingly, Ella doesn’t seem to mind the helmet. She wears it nearly all day, and all through the night. It does make her head a bit heavier and so holding it up gets even harder. A strange thing is going on. As far as Ella’s motor development goes, we see nearly no discernible change. She is still unable to sit, roll over or convincingly hold on to anything. On the other hand there are undeniable changes happening as far as her perception and responses go. She is much more focused. She will look at you directly for long periods and be much more responsive to noises and movements you make. She is also developing a strong notion of likes and dislikes.
In contrast to how it was till now, she will outright cry if something is wrong, she is uncomfortable or tired. Not just her usual little moan but a real bawling. I don’t know how objective I can be (I seem to think I am), but looking at you the way she does feels like there is some deep intelligence on the other side, looking you over, examining.
We are waiting to hear back from Dr. Black the neurosurgeon. He was supposed to present Ella’s case to the epilepsy department and get their opinion about the timing of Ella’s surgery. This was to have happened two days ago. Not totally surprisingly, we heard nothing as of yet.

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