
Today we took Ella to visit Ruti & Harel in Rhode Island. We all went to a beach about an hour’s drive from them. All in all we were in the car about 5 hours. Ella was fine with the whole trip. She must have slept about an hour the whole day and is still going strong at 10:30 at night! Usually she has a nap in the morning and one in the afternoon so today was a really crazy day. The great thing about Ella is even when it appears like being fussy is in order, she’s smiling and having a good time. She seemed pretty entertained throughout the day. Ella’s started enjoying the wading pool in our backyard. We’ve taken her in everyday this past week. After the initial entrance into the water she starts splashing and kicking. She loves it. Actually, the splashing takes place only with her right hand. Also, the other day, I heard her grating her teeth together. She has one spot where she has teeth both on the bottom and the top.

Ella had a couple of Ritz crackers today for the first time. She is pretty consistent at flopping down on her back from a sidelying position. So, there are quite a few new developments in the last few days. Still, incremental progress is slow, but steady. Most of the time we are thrilled with these little things. It makes us believe that the surgery has been Ella’s REbirth. Happy Birthday Ella!

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