Ella did so much standing yesterday that I’m really encouraged about her progress. Again, her attention needs to be diverted to something else but I think being able to use a toy to get her standing instead of music is progress. When I got home, Beth was having her stand up to her little table placed at about eye-level with her pop-up Disney figure toy on it. She was so involved in turning the knobs to get the figures to pop up that she probably forgot she was standing. Later, I took her over to watch a Barney video while standing and I was eventually just holding her hands. We did that for almost the entire video (about 20 minutes). She is so tall and straight when she stands! Her left leg is significantly weaker than the right but she does put weight on it. Just when I was getting so dissapointed by her progress, I’m suddenly encouraged!
On the plastic surgery front, Dr. Bauer in Chicago evaluated Ella’s 3-D CT scan films and has asked us to aquire the information digitally so they can build a model of her skull. I don’t think we can have too much information on her cranio-facial abnormalities so I am glad he is requesting this. We have another CT scan at Children’s to check on her shunt on July 30th. We will make the request for the digital information at that time.
I’m thankful things are moving along so well for Ella and for us.
Keep up the good work Ella!