
Ella continues to progress with standing. She is just a littlle bit stronger and more willing to stand from time to time without so much intense diversion. Independent standing still seems a way off though. But she is just more “there” and more alert almost all the time. She makes her needs known somehow — although we have to remind her to try to use words and not grunts and whining. She has a whole slew of sounds: g, l, m, n, k, b. She often just babbles and seems to think she is taking part in the conversation. The funny thing is that she finally has a favorite book that she likes for more than just the mechanical turning of the pages. She gets very excited when I read the story “HaKfitzah” (in Hebrew). She follows the story and the pictures and points out the main character: a little boy called “Shelev”. This is big deal because her understanding seems almost age appropriate. It also makes it a lot more fun to read her a story. With most books it is fight to keep her from obcessively turning the pages.

Last weekend we were up in New Hampshire and did some hiking in the White Mtns. Ella was a real trouper. She had her lunch on a big huge rock overlooking a good-size pond. She thoroughly enjoys the outdoors. It certainly encourages her appetite.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, August 12th, 2003 at 10:37 pm and is filed under Ella's Log. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

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