Ella is slowly returning to herself. Though clearly weak and very passive, today she started interacting with her surroundings. We found a stash of toys the department had and Ella started playing them in her focused unrelenting way. She watched several videos and even sat in a stroller as we walked around the hospital. Her swelling is slowly going down, though still very prominent and the incision scars are looking better. The general plan is for her to be released from the hospital tomorrow and for us to fly home the day after. It is a bit scary as we are not sure how we will handle her on the way. There isn’t much that is being done medically but she seems so fragile. I hope tomorrow she will seem stronger. We have made progress on the feeding front. Today Ella ate apple sauce, yogurt and pureed pears. She objects initially and then is more accepting. Never willing though. We understand we will be feeding her this way for a few weeks. We are using a syringe and feeding her through a tube into her mouth. Hopefully she will be able to handle a bottle in a bit.