Archive for the ‘Ella’s Log’ Category

Ella is 19!

It is almost impossible to believe. A grownup person.
With all her challenges… She remains the most optimistic, good humored person on the planet. No sarcasm. No irony. Just Ella. Pure and simple.
What a journey.

Posted by etan on June 22nd, 2020 under Ella's Log  •  Comments Off on Ella is 19!

Michelle and Ella Singing

Posted by etan on August 15th, 2019 under Ella's Log  •  Comments Off on Michelle and Ella Singing

Ella singing with Michelle

Ella often sings with Michelle. They sometimes prepare performances for events.

Posted by etan on January 5th, 2019 under Ella's Log  •  Comments Off on Ella singing with Michelle

Ella runs in the Eynot 2018 race

This year again, Ella took part in the Eynot race. This time she did it with more enthusiasm than before and really enjoyed. it
Here is the trailer:

And the clip:

Posted by etan on April 29th, 2018 under Ella's Log, Videos  •  Comments Off on Ella runs in the Eynot 2018 race

Ella is 16!

Another year.

Quite amazing that 16 years have gone by…

Ella is 16 and is continuing to maintain the world record for longest consecutive  stretch of time a human has held a good mood.
She has made progress in every aspect. She is confident, curious, involved and always game to be part of the program.

This year she has been busy will all kinds of activities. A sports program, a youth movement, reading/writing tutor sessions, a dancing group. She also participated in a program where once a week she spent the night outside of the home after school, till the next day. Once every few weeks she has a sleepover weekend. Busy.

This upcoming year holds a huge change for all of us. Both exciting and terribly frightening…  Ella will be moving to a living arrangement outside of the home. It is a wonderful place and Ella is very excited to go. A life changing event. I have no doubt she will flourish there. The question is… will we survive? 


Posted by etan on June 23rd, 2017 under Ella's Log  •  No Comments

Ella is 14!

This is quite amazing. Ella is 14.

Easily breaking the world record, Ella celebrates 14 years of good mood.

How she does this with the ridiculous amount of challenges on her plate…. and all she has been through…  I don’t get.

Always excited for what lays ahead, keenly tracking the schedule, the plan.

It is very encouraging to see the progress she has made on all fronts and the joy she brings to whoever is around her.

Still… the challenges of the future often keep me up at night.

But… the next morning I always get a cheerful ‘Good morning Aba’ from her…

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Posted by etan on June 22nd, 2015 under Ella's Log  •  Comments Off on Ella is 14!

Ella = Jeff

Ella dressing up as her favorite person in the world. Jeff from the Wiggles. You can hardly tell them apart

Posted by etan on March 4th, 2015 under Ella's Log  •  No Comments

Ella is 12

Ella is 12 I can’t believe it.

How did that happen so fast. Trying to imagine her at twelve  always seemed so far away. And yet… here it is.

With all her difficulties, with all the challenges, she has managed to retain her cheerful optimistic outlook that everyone she meets finds so endearing.

Ella was dealt the worst of cards. Disabilities on every level, medical challenges, deformity, limited vision. She went through surgeries, pain, more surgeries, difficulties and more difficulties. And yet… she is a whole person, one who enjoys things, Enjoys and interacts with people, is in tune with what is going on around her, has desires, fears, anticipation and joy.

Ella is very easy to be around. Yes there is the issue of the demanding logistics, but… there is never an attitude, a grudge a feeling of entitlement, of complaining things are not fair.

There is also (quite surprisingly) never a sense of bitterness about her fortune, about her limitations.

She has chores around the house, emptying the dishwasher silverware and putting it away and when she is able… taking the recycling out.

Ella became quite the wizard with YouTube. She navigates it like a champ with all the intricacies, getting rid of the ads, zooming in, skipping to the next clip, getting to a clip that interests her.

She is working hard at reading skills and has mastered some of it. There is still work ahead.

Her mobility is an ongoing challenge. And there is a vicious circle at work here. Her instability and challenged walking cause her to have accidents (Three in the past year for example) which render her wheelchair bound for months at a time, further reducing her walking skills. She works at it diligently and does about 25 minutes a day on a treadmill and also uses an excercise bike once in a while.

Ella’s schedule is very busy. She goes to an afternoon program twice a week. Once to a sports program after school and twice she has a tutor come over and work with her. Finally… once a week she has a special needs youth movement she goes to. Quite involved.

Of course Ella knows by the day of the week what is on the schedule, what comes after what and she has her favorite activities.

Despite her limited communication abilities she is always a favorite in her class and in her group. they choose to be with her and form ongoing connections. Both the kids and the teachers / caregivers.

There is no denying she is special. We always say everyone is different. But she is the living illustration of this.

Everyone who comes in contact with her quickly realizes that to know her is to love her.


Posted by etan on July 7th, 2013 under Ella's Log  •  Comments Off on Ella is 12

End of year horseback riding event

Ella’s Knafaim Shell Krembo youth movement put up an end of year event at a horseback riding stable. Ella enjoyed it a lot. Brought back memories of Dayton (the horse she used to ride in Boston)

Posted by etan on June 28th, 2011 under Ella's Log, Videos  •  Comments Off on End of year horseback riding event

Ella is 10

It’s hard to believe.. But… Ella is 10!

Gone through a whole lot. And still the sweetest girl in the world.

Posted by etan on June 22nd, 2011 under Ella's Log, Videos  •  Comments Off on Ella is 10