Gaul’s letter to his teacher
Dear Ms. Page,
I agree with you that maybe if I’m nervous I should talk to someone. My sister, Ella is almost 11 months old. She has (had) a condition called Hemimegilinsefuly (I don’t know how to spell it) which is a condition that your brain growing cells that are somehow altered and the cells on one side of the brain grow faster than the other. This causes her to have a very high risk of having seizures. Some people think that her cheek and ear are larger than the left side because she had a larger brain on the right side. Well they thought wrong. The reason why her cheek and ear are larger on one side than the other is a totally different problem. I don’t know what it’s called because I just learned that something like 4 days ago.
So far I feel fine with Ella having this condition because I don’t really know well about normal babies because I’ve never had any other siblings. She also likes me, I don’t know why but usually when I talk she laughs. Our dog also likes to sniff her. It’s sort of funny because our dog is huge and she is small. When my step dad, Etan plays her music on the flute she likes it, but when I play on the piano she gets tired. Also when I tell her stories of how I beat a game on the computer, she loves it. I think she is a sweet child with a happy attitude. I think that because she laughs a lot and from about 1 to 6 months she almost didn’t cry at all. And then after that she knew what she wanted and cried, but not as much as a normal child.
On the day of the surgery I got up at 5 in the morning because Ella had to be in the hospital at 7. Then I ate breakfast and got ready to go to my uncle’s house. When I got there I just waited for my uncle to take me school. After school my grandparents took me to the hospital and left. I was in the waiting room with my parents. To keep myself busy I did homework and read. Each hour a nurse came to update us on what’s going on. I wasn’t as nervous as I thought I would be. While we waited we had my great aunt with us and we took a small tour around the hospital. When we got back, the main surgeon, Doctor Black came to tell us what happened. Well, he told us that she lost a lot of blood but they gave her many units of blood. Although we had bad news then good news came and they were almost done. He said that they stopped the bleeding already and are now closing her skin. It turned out that the surgery was fine. Just now when they wake her she will be in pain.
Your student,