No twitching for a bit
Ella has been very sweet since we got back from the hospital. I’m relieved that she doesn’t have those twitches in her leg that she had before she was hospitalized. Although Dr. Duffy assured us they weren’t dangerous, I suffered seeing them. Meanwhile Ella is growing by leaps and bounds. She has tooth coming in on the bottom and two in front on the top as well. She’s even graduated to the next size of diapers. Also, we’ve started feeding her smashed bannas and apple puree. At first she kind of winces and then actually eats the stuff by sucking it accross her tongue. Ella has been cooing alot and sometimes I find her concentrating on her right hand. She’ll focus on it while moving her fingers around. That is a welcome sign even though she hasn’t really started holding anything yet. I see a big difference between her right and left sides. She doesn’t have the dexterity in her left hand and arm that I see in her right. But she does use both hands and arms to bat stuff around. She’s growing up. It is nice to enjoy these things and get a little respite from concentrating on health problems.