Summer program
Today is Ella’s last day in the summer school program. It has been an interesting and fun (I hope) experience. I think Ella enjoyed it although I think for the first couple of weeks she was overwhelmed there – being put on a minivan with other kids she doesn’t know, being bombarded with sensory inputs in the classroom for the whole morning. It must have been like walking into a Sesame Street video for her. Eventually I added a notebook to Ella’s backpack and her teachers (Robin & PT –Cory) wrote about how things went. This was VERY helpful. Almost everyday we got pictures of Ella: at tea parties with other kids, sitting in a police (squadron) car, making projects, reading books, etc. Robin reported that she never agreed to pee while at school even though they continued to put her on the toilet throughout the morning. That’s interesting b/c she peed a long streak everyday when she got home. (Potty training continues). Ella got very tired some days – to the point of falling asleep at lunch. I was able to pop about once a week which was great. Funny, though that Ella’s strategy was usually to ignore me. Except for when I brought Netta one morning and then she almost jumped out of her skin. Ella loved the mixer (making smoothies) and going to the wading pool twice a week. What a real world experience for her! So far, “school” has been great.